InThe Hub PublicationbyAnna VThe High Cost of DyingWhat I fear most about death isn’t about dying at all.Apr 4, 202421Apr 4, 202421
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InThe Hub PublicationbyAnna VSomewhere Between Curses & DreamsI found my realityFeb 22, 202431Feb 22, 202431
InThe Hub PublicationbyAnna VSamhain BlessingsA poem with a backstory about the origin of modern-day Halloween.Oct 9, 20236Oct 9, 20236
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InPragmatic WisdombyAnna VTruth Is a Point of View: Hypatia’s PhilosophyA Change in Perspective Reveals Hidden Truths. Reflections of My Truth and the Real Story Behind the Ancient Alexandrian G.O.A.T, Hypatia.Oct 15, 202310Oct 15, 202310
InModern WomenbyAnna VSelf-Love Is A Trap…Let’s face it — we can love ourselves to death but does it bring us closer to who we truly are? Are we limiting ourselves by holding too…Nov 15, 202316Nov 15, 202316
InThe Hub PublicationbyAnna VThe Wounded PhysicianThe poison that wounds us is the medicine that is found within the wounded.Dec 10, 202311Dec 10, 202311
Anna VThe Truth About ResilienceSimply enduring life's hardships isn’t enough to learn the lesson.Jan 13, 202415Jan 13, 202415